I’m tired of living in a fear mindset. For my adult life I have been trying to control everything. I have thought that I can only succeed by accomplishing more on my to do list and putting myself in the right places. My faith in fear has made me accomplish so much but it stifles me. I have to make myself small to fit into situations. I never do the creative things that I care about because I think I don’t have time, because personal development is always the last thing on the to do list. This weekend I paid my taxes and did laundry, but I didn’t go to yoga or blog. And then I went to bed in a bad mood because I didn’t do anything to fill myself, I just did what I needed to do.
But I’m realizing that there’s a better way. By instead having faith in fear, I can have faith in love. I can have faith in the flow of the universe. I don’t need to beat myself up in order to be successful. I can live in the flow. It doesn’t have to be so hard.
I’m still figuring out what this means in a daily practice, but just the thought makes me feel like there’s a weight lifting off of my shoulders. Which means I’m going in the right direction.
Now, my daily question is “How can I live in love today?” instead of “What do I need to accomplish in order to stay afloat?”